Friday 10th January - School Closure Work
Good morning everyone. I hope you are all continuing to keep warm and safe. Well done to everyone, who completed yesterday's activities. I know some of you were busy using Reading Plus yesterday so a big well done to you. It would be great to see more of you using Reading Plus as it will help you with your learning.
Research Challenge!
Next week (Yes we plan on being open next week!) will be our Arts Week. Each Year group will have their own decade to research. For Year 5 we will be looking at the 1950's. I would like you to find out as many interesting facts about the 1950's that you can think of and bring them to school with you next week.
Get ahead of Mr. Medley before he randomly asks you what an adjective or adverb is by completing this useful sheet!
Bonus Work
If you have completed all of your other work this week, keeping with the theme of being cold, there is a true or false fact sheet on snow leopards to have a go at.
All children should complete an assignment on Reading Plus. All holds have been removed so you should be able to access your reading. Reading Plus will be checked throughout the day so if you find yourself on hold, please keep checking your account.
If you do not use Reading Plus in school, you should complete your tasks on Reading Eggs.
If you are unable to access the online resources, please ensure you read some of your class or library book and ask your adult to sign your Reading Record.
Please find below a Reading Comprehension task in the form of a letter. Read the letter and answer the questions about it.
TT Rockstars - practice your times tables. A battle has also been set up against other Year groups. Can you help get Year 5 to the top? We will shortly be moving onto long multiplication and short division and knowing all your times tables and related division facts will help you. Alternatively, times tables can be practiced using hit the button . Clicking on the link will take you directly to the website. You can also use 'hit the button' to practice many other areas of Maths.
Use the link below to play a fun rocket game that allows you to practice your rounding skills.
Online rounding gameIf you use Numbots in class, please complete some tasks on this app.
Please find below some arithmetic questions.
Please practice your spellings using Spelling Shed. The spellings that we should have been learning this week have been added as an assignment. The spellings to learn are all words that have the suffix 'ibly' or 'ably'. You can see that the root word would end in an 'e' but we remove the 'e' and add 'y'
Example: comfortable becomes comfortably
Words to learn
comfortably, dependably, horribly, incredibly, legibly, possibly, reliably, sensibly, terribly, visibly
If you still haven't read about William Wilberforce, please click on the links to find out how this remarkable man helped to bring about an end to the awful slave trade in Britain.
Further information about William Wilberforce
Britannica - William Wilberforce
Thursday 9th January - School Closure Work
Good morning everyone. I hope you are all keeping warm and safe. Well done to everyone, who completed yesterday's activities. I know lots of you were busy using Reading Plus and several of you achieved certificates, which will be printed when we return to school.
Grammar activity
Using the work we have used in class previously on relative clauses, see if you can spot them in the following sentences!
Should you complete this, please also find some work on dialogue. This will be useful for when we get back (Hint hint!)
All children should complete an assignment on Reading Plus. All holds have been removed so you should be able to access your reading. Reading Plus will be checked throughout the day so if you find yourself on hold, please keep checking your account.
If you do not use Reading Plus in school, you should complete your tasks on Reading Eggs.
If you are unable to access the online resources, please ensure you read some of your class or library book and ask your adult to sign your Reading Record.
Please find below a Reading Comprehension task in the form of a poem. Read the poem and answer the questions about it.
TT Rockstars - practice your times tables. We will shortly be moving onto long multiplication and short division and knowing all your times tables and related division facts will help you. Alternatively, times tables can be practiced using hit the button . Clicking on the link will take you directly to the website. You can also use 'hit the button' to practice many other areas of Maths.
Use the link below to play a fun rocket game that allows you to practice your rounding skills.
If you use Numbots in class, please complete some tasks on this app.
Please find below some arithmetic questions.
Please practice your spellings using Spelling Shed. The spellings that we should have been learning this week have been added as an assignment. The spellings to learn are all words that have the suffix 'ibly' or 'ably'. You can see that the root word would end in an 'e' but we remove the 'e' and add 'y'
Example: comfortable becomes comfortably
Words to learn
comfortably, dependably, horribly, incredibly, legibly, possibly, reliably, sensibly, terribly, visibly
If you did not have time for this yesterday, please click on the links and read about William Wilberforce, who helped to bring about the abolition of slavery as we will be doing some further work on him, when we return to school.
Further information about William Wilberforce
Britannica - William Wilberforce
Wednesday 8th January - School Closure Work
Good morning everyone. As I'm sure you are aware, school will be closed again today. Please find below some work and activities to keep you busy.
Literacy Challenge!
Remember when we wrote our Golden Horsemen diaries, well what I would like to do today is write a diary telling Mr. Cook & Mr. Medley about all the things that you have been up to since we were last in school. This could be about the things you did over Christmas or what you have been up to during these snow days. The best efforts will win a prize when they get back into school. Please remember, a diary is not like any other type of writing it must :
Be written in past tense
Be in Chronological order
Use adverbials of time
Be self-reflective
All children should complete an assignment on Reading Plus. All holds have been removed so you should be able to access your reading. Reading Plus will be checked throughout the day so if you find yourself on hold, please keep checking your account.
If you do not use Reading Plus in school, you should complete your tasks on Reading Eggs.
If you are unable to access the online resources, please ensure you read some of your class or library book and ask your adult to sign your Reading Record.
Please find below a short Reading Comprehension task.
TT Rockstars - practice your times tables. We will shortly be moving onto long multiplication and short division and knowing all your times tables and related division facts will help you. Alternatively, times tables can be practiced using hit the button . Clicking on the link will take you directly to the website.
Year 5 Arithmetic Work
If you use Numbots in class, please complete some tasks on this app.
Please practice your spellings using Spelling Shed. The spellings that we should have been learning this week have been added as an assignment.
Please click on the links and read about William Wilberforce, who helped to bring about the abolition of slavery.
Further information about William Wilberforce
Britannica - William Wilberforce
Year 5
Welcome to Year 5. On this page, you can find out all about the fun things we will be learning. Furthermore, you can find our Knowledge Mats, which can be used to support your child's learning.
In English we will be carrying on with planning and writing our descriptive narrative based on the text Journey to Jo'burg.
Once completed, we will move on to understanding the features of a biography and then having a go at writing our own. These will be based on the biography of Harriet Tubman which will neatly tie in to what we are learning in Curriculum.
We will be continuing with fractions and focusing on the addition and subtraction of fractions with different denominators.
After we have completed our learning on fractions, we will be returning to multiplication and division. In this unit of learning, the children will be introduced to long multiplication and re-visit short division. It is important that your child has a secure knowledge of their times tables facts and therefore, they should continue to access TT Rockstars regularly. This will support them in mastering long multiplication and short division. Our Knowledge Mat for this unit, can be found below.
At the beginning of Spring Term, Year 5 will finish their Biology topic on "How will we look different from our grandparents when we get old". We will start by investigating how men & women change as they get older. Once completed pupils will consolidate their learning with post learning activities like assessments and double page spreads.
Once completed, we will move onto our next topic- Earth & Space!
We will be continuing with our learning into Slavery with a particular focus on the Transatlantic Slave Trade. This fascinating topic gives the children an understanding of why Britain was involved in the slave trade and how it was finally abolished.
Upon completion of our slavery unit, we will be starting our London topic. This geography based unit will begin by looking at capital cities around the world before focusing on London itself. In this exciting unit, the children will be completing map work, learning about some of London's famous buildings and using aerial photographs to identify some of the key landmarks. Have a look at our Knowledge Mat below.
Useful websites
Please click on the links below to find some websites to support your child's learning about London.
In RE, we will will be carrying on with our unit entitled 'God's Covenants'. In this unit, the children will learn about God's Covenants with his people, which will include Abraham, Noah and Moses.
After finishing our learning about God's Covenants, we will be moving onto a unit called 'Inspirational People'. We will be looking at inspirational people from the Bible and exploring what makes a person inspirational. In addition, we will look at how our own behaviour can inspire others to follow in the word of God.
Computing, Art and Design Technology
In Computing, we are going to carry on with our work on media creation and videos. Pupils will be given the chance to create and edit their own video content.
In Art, pupils will carry on their work on landscapes as well as have a chance to get creative in many different ways during Arts Week where work will be based on the 1950's!
In Design Technology, we will be looking at frame structures, how to design, create and evaluate.
In Guided Reading lessons, we will continue to use Reading Plus or Reading Eggs three times a week. These online Reading schemes should also be accessed by your child from home as part of their weekly homework. If you do not have your child's login, please contact the class teacher, who will be happy to provide the relevant details.
In class, the children will be reading 'Journey to Jo'burg' by Beverley Naidoo. This great book details two children's struggle to find their mother in Johannesburg in order to save their sick baby sister. Later in the term, we will be reading the superb 'The London Eye Mystery'.
Instead of PE in school, the children will be swimming each Friday afternoon. This opportunity to learn a potentially life saving skill is part of your child's curriculum and therefore, your child should be attending each week unless there is a valid medical reason. Please ensure your child brings their swimming kit with them each week.
Homework will be allocated to children every Friday and is expected to be returned the following Wednesday. Homework alternates between Maths, reading and writing. This will help support learning in the classroom. As well as the set homework, children need to be accessing Reading Plus, Times table Rockstars and Spelling Shed.
Year 5 staff
5 Sycamore
Mr Cook - class teacher
Mrs Hall - Teaching Assistant
Miss Jeffrey - Teaching Assistant