St Columba's Catholic Primary School

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St Columba's Catholic Primary School

Every Person is Precious to God

2 Year Old Provision - Eden

2 yr old provision (Eden) tour ––zdIk


We welcome children into our EYFS Provision as soon as they have turned two.    Our Curriculum is carefully planned to make sure all children thrive and achieve to their full potential.  In our 2 year old room we focus on the three prime areas of learning from the EYFS Curriculum which are crucial for a child’s learning and development.

1)      Communication and Language

2)      Personal, Social and Emotional Development

3)      Physical Development

We aim to support each child to identify their own self and self-worth as well as focussing on each and every child’s individual needs and interests.

Our room is led by Miss Crisp and supported on a morning and an afternoon by Miss Norman and sometimes Miss Fisher.  Mrs Eagleton is our EYFS Leader who manages the provision.


Mrs Eagleton
Mrs Eagleton
Miss Crisp
Miss Crisp
Miss Norman
Miss Norman

Miss Fisher

To have a sneak peek inside our provision please click here!

How to join us

A significant number of two year olds are now eligible for free childcare.  Your family must meet one of the following eligibility criteria:

If your child is two you are eligible if you are claiming any one of the following:

  • Income Support
  • Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance
  • Income related Employment and Support Allowance
  • Support under part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
  • The Guaranteed element of State Pension Credit
  • Child Tax Credit with earnings from employment below £16,190
  • Working Tax Credit with earnings from employment are below £16,190
  • Universal Credit – if you and your partner are on a low income from work (this usually means a combined income of less than £15,400 a year after tax)

Or if your child:

  • is a looked after child
  • has left care – a child who has left care through a child arrangement order (formerly known as special guardianship) or an adoption or residence order
  • has special educational needs, and/or disabilities – but only if he/she has a current SEN statement or an Education, Health and Care plan or receives Disability Living Allowance

The government has decided to extend eligibility to the most disadvantaged children. The groups of children are:

  • children of Zambrano Carers
  • children of families with no recourse to public funds with a right to remain in the UK on grounds of private or family life under Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights
  • children of a subset of failed asylum seekers (supported under section 4 of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999 – ‘the 1999 Act’)

If you think you may be eligible for free childcare you can apply for this online  at or by calling 01274 437503

Our Two-Year Old Room

Our 2 year olds have their own room within our Early Years Provision unit with age appropriate resources and furniture.  They also have shared access to all other areas including our large, fabulous outdoor area, where they will have the opportunity to mix with older children or stay in a smaller purposeful space.  Our key focus is on developing communication and language skills.

The focus of our 2 year old provision is largely learning through play, with a routine that incorporates adult led activities and builds on children developing knowledge and curiosity.  Our carefully chosen resources and activities promote physical coordination and manipulative skills, role play and creativity.

At this age, we find children are at different stages with their toilet training.  We have excellent changing facilities for those that still need them, access to potties and children’s own toilets.  Children are given lots of verbal praise and encouragement to help them succeed before transitioning to our 3-4 year old room.

We also offer a well-resourced sensory corner that provides a relaxing environment for children to explore using all their senses.  We find that this can be particularly useful for our two year olds who tire and require a peaceful afternoon.

We discourage the use of dummies and other forms of comforter in our Early Years Unit.  However, there is some flexibility for two year olds who depend on these in times of upset and when needing a sleep.  We will discuss this with individual families as they transition into setting and agree a plan.

Our Session Times are:

Morning Session – 8.30am – 11.15am

Afternoon Session – 12.15pm – 3.00pm


Children are encouraged to share a healthy snack and drink of milk/water in our small friendly group where staff promote good table manners and independence skills.  This is provided by school.  We appreciate at 2 years old all children will be at a different level developmentally and may require a range of drinking cups, which we will discuss with you as your child transitions into setting.

Should you require any more information, or wish to visit or ask any questions please get in touch with Mrs Eagleton, our EYFS Leader, who will be more than happy to arrange a mutually convenient meeting.