St Columba's Catholic Primary School

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St Columba's Catholic Primary School

Every Person is Precious to God

Welcome to Year 2!

School Closure Work


Please complete the questions below that cover the four operations that we have learned in Year 2 so far.



This week we have been learning about Florence Nightingale. We will be writing a diary entry from her point of view. Could you complete a diary entry of what you have been up today. It must be in chronological order starting with waking up and finishing when you go to bed. It could include what you had for breakfast, what activities you did in the morning, what you had for lunch and what you did in the afternoon.


In Geography, we have been comparing Kenya and the UK. We recognise that both England and Kenya suffer from water shortgages. While droughts in England are not as severe as Kenya, during the summer months we often have a hosepipe ban in place to reduce our water usage. Can you create a poster to raise awareness for how you can reduce water usage. You might include examples such as having a shower instead of a bath or turning the tap off when you are brushing your teeth.


Guided Reading

Read the text and answer the questions with help from the reading dogs!


Spring 2 Overview

Religious Education:

The Mass


Where would you prefer to live; England or Kenya?



What materials is our school made from?




 In Year 2 children will complete assessments every half term to prepare them for the SATS Assessments in May. These assessments will be completed in small groups with their class teachers in a calm environment in an aim to remove any stress or pressure that the children may feel during these times. In the months leading to the SATS assessments some children will be chosen to take part in booster, intervention sessions to further prepare them. The children's homework will be based on SATS style reading, arithmetic and reasoning questions therefore it is vital that homework is completed on time, every week. 


Here are some examples of SATS Assessments that the children will be completing this year. 

 2019 Arithmetic Paper.pdfDownload
 2019 Reading Paper 1.pdfDownload
 2019 Reading Paper 2 answer booklet.pdfDownload
 2019 Reading Paper 2 reading booklet.pdfDownload
 2019 Reasoning Paper.pdfDownload
Showing 1-5 of 5

Physical Education:

Year 2’s P.E. day will be on a Thursday afternoon. Please send your child in their P.E. kits and please make sure they bring a water bottle.


Reading Books

Children receive a reading book online at Collins Big Cat ebook libraries and a hard copy of the same book. This will be changed every Thursday and recorded in their reading record book. Please make sure you listen to your child read every day and record the name of the book, page number and any comments about their reading. We always love to hear how your children are getting on at home!

Thank you for your support with this.

If you need to speak with your child's class teacher then our doors are always open.


Weekly Homework

  • Levelled reading book (online and hard copy)
  • Library book (reading for pleasure)
  • Spellings
  • Maths, Reading Comprehension or Writing activity (on rotation)


Scan the QR codes below for Collins Big Cat ebook libraries, numbots and Spelling Shed!




Miss Blanchfield – Class Teacher
Miss Blanchfield – Class Teacher
Mrs Moore – Teaching Assistant
Mrs Moore – Teaching Assistant


Mrs Wilkinson - Class Teacher

Mrs Rocchio – Teaching Assistant
Mrs Rocchio – Teaching Assistant