St Columba's Catholic Primary School

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St Columba's Catholic Primary School

Every Person is Precious to God

Reading Ambassadors

We have 22 Reading Ambassadors who are all very passionate about books and reading. These children filled in a rigorous application form and then completed a book review of their favourite book to be successfully chosen to share their love of books with the children in school in many different ways. The ambassadors were informed of their successful applications in a special award assembly where they received a certificate and badge!

Book Hunt

The first job for some of our ambassadors was to go on a book hunt to the local supermarkets. The children were excited to take the £1 World Book Day vouchers  to see if they could exchange them for books to bring them back to school to share. After visiting two supermarkets, we managed to bring back 17 books from the range on offer.

These books were then shared with the children in a special World Book Day assembly!