St Columba's Catholic Primary School

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St Columba's Catholic Primary School

Every Person is Precious to God

Religious Education

At St Columba’s we give our children the opportunity to grow in God’s love and use Jesus’ teachings to build positive, respectful relationships with others, within our school and the wider community.

We follow ‘The Way, The Truth and The Life’ programme, as recommended by the Diocese of Leeds, alongside supplementary materials, to encourage our pupils to be actively involved in their learning and to develop curiosity, creativity and independent thought.

We encourage every child to use our school Virtues to live out our mission ‘Every Person is Precious to God.’ Children are to have a valuable role in liturgy, right from the time they first begin to know what I means to pray and respond to God and God’s creation.


Knowledge Mats

At the start of each new topic, our pupils are given a knowledge mat to support their learning throughout the topic.  They highlight key knowledge and key vocabulary that the children are expected to learn and understand.  Please take a look at our knowledge mats below.

Pupil Voice

Take a look at what our children think about their Religious Education lessons:


Other Faiths

Religious Education should introduce children to the background and beliefs of people of other faiths so that prejudice and misunderstanding can be overcome from an early age.

At St Columba’s, we give pupils the opportunity to develop an appropriate knowledge, understanding and respect for the religious beliefs of others.  One other faith is taught every half term and the learning is built upon each year. Please take a look at our curriculum overview below.


Examples of work

Pupil Voice

Take a look at what our children think about their Other Faiths lessons:

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